We The Curious

Get 25% off your visit when you travel by train

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Adult: £13.87
One Millennium Square, Bristol. BS41 9LL
Phone number:
0117 915 1000
Nearest station:
Bristol Temple Meads

Advanced Booking Required

Adult standard day ticket: £13.87. Child standard day ticket £9.49.

Where else can you fly through space, turn yourself invisible, and climb inside a giant bubble, all on the same afternoon? Bristol’s playful and surprising science experience, We The Curious, is back this summer following two years of closure due to a fire.

Families of all ages can spend the day exploring over 200 things to do across the centre’s two floors. Come and play, experiment, make animations, solve giant puzzles and discover how our brains and bodies work together. Step inside the giant silver ball (the UK’s only 3D Planetarium) for a trip to the stars and back, and then explore time, space, and happiness in the intriguing Project What If exhibition.

This summer, visitors can also take part in creative activities themed around solving seemingly impossible problems. Can you make milk without a cow and grow plants without water? Team up with people you’ve just met to make a giant chain reaction machine?

This is a day out full of play, surprises and marvelling at the world around us.

Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer, including discounts on membership.

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