Tudor World

Get 2FOR1 on your visit when you travel by train

  • Theme-Adventure-Parks.png Theme & Adventure Parks
Adult: £8.00
40 Sheep Street, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6EE
Phone number:
01789 298070
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Advance booking only

Tudor World living history museum is situated right in the centre of the beautiful Town of Stratford upon Avon, just metres from the world famous RSC, and set within an historic 16th century grade 2* building. Using historical settings, discover the secret lives of the Tudors and what life was really like during the time of William Shakespeare; Francis Drake; Elizabeth I, Henry VIII and everyday people.

The museum is suitable for all ages, but you might wish to warn children there are figures in some of the exhibits to enhance the experience and atmospheric lighting. There are lots of interactive elements: from a touchscreen; videos to choose from; smells to try; a feast to sit at; a throne to regally perch upon and a four poster bed to lie on. You can take part in a written witch trial; go in the stocks or try your hand at quill writing in the school room.

Also available at the museum - Shakespeare Tours of Stratford and evening ghost tours by lantern light.

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