The Monument to the Great Fire of London

  • Landmarks-Royal-Palaces.png Landmarks & Historical Sites
Adult: £6.00
Fish Street Hill, London EC3R 8AH
Phone number:
020 7403 3761
Nearest station:
London Bridge

Exclusions apply: 2FOR1 Offer valid weekends and school holidays. Closed Monday - Friday term time

Printed paper Voucher Required

£6.00 prices are valid to 31st March 2024

Climb 311 spiral steps to enjoy 360º views of the capital. A permanent reminder of the Great Fire of 1666, The Monument commemorates one of the most significant events in London’s history. The 202ft column designed by Sir Christopher Wren and Dr Robert Hooke celebrates the city that rose from the ashes.

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Closed 24 - 26 December.

Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.




Please check website for details.