The Dare Skywalk Tottenham

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Adult: £44.00
Basecamp (located on Park Lane Square behind the Tottenham Experience), Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, 782 High Rd, Tottenham, London N17 0BX
Phone number:
020 3929 1882
Nearest station:
White Hart Lane

Exclusions apply: may be closed on Match or Event days

Advance Booking Required

*Once on the attraction website, please add the promo code at the pay and confirm stage*

£39 weekday, £44 weekday evening

The Dare Skywalk offers an unparalleled London adventure that fuels excitement and tests the nerves at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. The name takes inspiration from Hotspur's motto, choose between daily or nightly climbs of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium for panoramic views of the London Skyline.

Check-in for The Dare Skywalk experiences takes place in Basecamp. Please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled climb time to allow time for checking in and kitting up. Late arrivals cannot be guaranteed entry. Bag checks are in operation, please consider this when planning your visit.

Full information about The Dare Skywalk and FAQ's here.

Visit website

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