St Mary's Guildhall

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Adult: £10.80
St Marys Guildhall, Bayley Lane (Just by Coventry Cathedral) Coventry CV1 5RN
Phone number:
02476 450450
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Advance booking only

Daytime Visitor Self Guided Digital Tour

Offer is valid for standard daytime entry and excludes special events and evening events. Not valid within the onsite Tales of Tea Restaurant.

Located in Coventry's historic Cathedral Quarter, St Mary’s Guildhall has acted as the centre of power in England during the War of the Roses, housed the crown jewels, been the prison of Mary Queen of Scots and hosted famous literary figures such as George Eliot.

Visitors can also see the newly unveiled medieval kitchen, one of the best preserved in the country uncovered for the first time in 100 years. Explore where feasts fit for kings would have been prepared and where the poor of Coventry were fed during the Victorian era when it functioned as a soup kitchen.

In the stunning Great Hall, the famous Coventry Tapestry still hangs in its original spot after 500 years. Follow the threads of the medieval wool trade, which made Coventry an important centre of commerce and power. Make your visit even more special by enjoying brunch, lunch or afternoon tea in our fabulous Tales of Tea restaurant located in the atmospheric Undercroft of St Mary’s Guildhall.

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