St Andrews Cathedral

  • Landmarks-Royal-Palaces.png Landmarks & Historical Sites
  • Historical-Houses-Gardens-Parks.png Historical Houses, Gardens & Parks
Adult: £3.80
The Pends, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9QL
Phone number:
01334 472 563
Nearest station:
Leuchars (for St. Andrews)

Advance booking only

The remains of St Andrews Cathedral, which was Scotland’s largest cathedral and most magnificent church, show how impressive it used to be. The museum houses an outstanding collection of early and later medieval sculptures and other relics found on the site, including the magnificent St Andrews Sarcophagus of Pictish date. The precinct walls are particularly well preserved. St Rule's Tower, in the precinct, is part of the first church of the Augustinian canons at St Andrews built in the early 12th century.

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