Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum

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Adult: £6.50
Park Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1SN
Phone number:
01993 810210
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SOFO Museum first opened during the summer of 2014, tucked away in the beautiful gardens in the grounds of The Oxfordshire Museum and Woodstock Library, and just on the doorstep of Blenheim Palace.

More than a local military museum, SOFO is a museum that everyone can enjoy, from kids to parents, and to grandparents. We tell stories of how conflict has affected the county and its people, from soldiers serving on the front lines to ordinary people living on the Home Front.

On top of a range of ever-changing displays and events, our permanent exhibits explore topics that you’ll find surprising and moving in equal measure, such as raw accounts of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen from both camp survivors and Oxfordshire soldiers. Battles of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry puts you on-board a Horsa Glider as it prepares to land in Normandy in the early hours of D-Day 1944, while Secret Agents, Secret Armies explores the real world of spies and espionage through the lens of Ian Fleming and James Bond

New for 2024: A Woman's War: Fighting and Domestic Fronts.
Global Army: From the Age of Empire to the Modern Day.
We Need to Talk About War: The Big Questions.

SOFO holds a collection of over 3,500 objects and 7,500 archive items from two county regiments, the Queens Own Oxfordshire Hussars (QOOH) and the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. These are our starting point for reflecting on the county’s rich and diverse military heritage.
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From the county museum and library reception on Park Street, you'll find us hidden in plain sight at the bottom of the The Oxfordshire Museum gardens

Opening Times


Tuesday - Saturday 11.00-17.00,
Sunday 14.00-17.00.
Last admission is 16.15.

Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.


Please check website for details.