SEA LIFE Hunstanton Aquarium

Get 1/3 OFF on your visit when you travel by train

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Offer expires:
SEA LIFE Hunstanton Aquarium, Southern Promenade, Hunstanton, Norfolk. PE36 5BH
Phone number:
01485 533576
Nearest station:
Kings Lynn

Advance Booking Required 

Step beneath the waves and venture through the rainforest. Your visit will enable to you enjoy our ocean tunnel, home to over 30 amazing different species of fish, an incredible rainforest experience, a seal rescue centre and our Asian short clawed otters at Otter River.

Don't miss our dedicated seal rescue hospital where we rescue, rehabilitate and release to the wild more than 40 orphaned or sickly Grey & Common seal pups every year.

For full Merlin T&C's please check here.

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Journey details

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Opening Times


Daily 09.30-17.30
Last admission 16.30.

Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.


Please check website for details.