Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery

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Adult: £8.00
Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery, St Peter’s Road, Petersfield. GU32 3HX
Phone number:
01730 262601
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Advanced Booking Required

Petersfield Museum and Art Gallery is an accredited, independent museum and registered charity. Established in 1999, we underwent a transformative £4 million redevelopment, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

A rare example of a restored Victorian Justice Heritage site, our permanent collections include an Archaeology Collection and Social History Collection relating to Petersfield and the surrounding area, the Flora Twort Art Collection, Photography Collection (including the Don Eades Photographic Archive) and Fashion and Textiles Collection (including the Bedales Historic Dress Collection), as well as a Reference Archive.

The Flora Twort Gallery is a dedicated art gallery with an ambitious programme of fine art and contemporary craft exhibitions and an inclusive public programme.

We are also home to the Tim Wilton-Steer Collection of works by and about the poet and nature writer Edward Thomas, housed in the Edward Thomas Study Centre.

There is also our learning space housed in the old town courthouse, indoor and outdoor performance spaces, our Museum and Art Gallery Shop and our wonderful Coffee Shop.

Admission tickets allows you access to our museum and art gallery, to spend the day exploring our interactive displays and collections on show. Visit the Shop at the front of the museum or explore our courtyard with our on-site Coffee Shop for your daily cup or afternoon tea.

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