Penderyn Swansea Copperworks Distillery Whisky Masterclass

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Adult: £48.00
Hafod Copperworks, Landore, Swansea. SA1 2LQ
Phone number:
01792 381650
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Advanced Booking Required

Penderyn Distillery is the home of Welsh Whisky and brought back distilling to Wales after over a century. They produce award-winning Welsh whiskies and spirits and export to over 50 countries worldwide.

Enjoy a fully guided tour that gives you an insight into the equipment that produces their malted barley wash; their uniquely designed single copper-pot Penderyn stills and their pot stills. As well as imparting their knowledge and experience on the importance of wood and the art of maturation, you will enjoy a fun and informative blind nosing activity and learn the protocol of whisky tasting.

Book yourself onto one of their Swansea Copperworks Distillery Masterclass sessions to experience the Welsh spirit, learn the protocol of whisky tasting, and see what makes Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky so unique.

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