Newlyn Art Gallery

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Adult: £7.00
Newlyn Art Gallery New Road Newlyn, TR18 5PZ
Phone number:
01736 363715
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Printed Paper Voucher Required

2OR1 Offer is £7 for 12 monthly pass which includes the following exhibitions:

Winter Show
Exhibition Dates: 18 November 2023 - 6 January 2024.

“Rarely are the paintings a straight forward image of a landscape. Rather they aim to portray an experience of the environment and capture the essence of tides, weather, light and seasonal changes. My process is expressive and energetic mimicking the sea and landscape as a constantly changing phenomenon.” Marianne Nicholls Marianne Nicholls is a self-taught artist living in West Penwith. Her abstract works are firmly rooted in the landscape of the Cornish Coast. She spends much of her time exploring the area and is drawn to its history and wild landscape. Her affinity with the Cornish Coast and getting to know the land plays an important part in developing her painting style. “These prints are the first from an ongoing woodcut and wood lithography series. The printmaking techniques are relatively new to my process and I am still experimenting and learning. Every print is made with a speculative approach, sometimes resulting in failure. The challenge to improve the impression, establish clarity, heighten colour, and harmonise, mirrors the filtered nature of remembering places, a reoccurring theme of my practice.” Becky Haughton Becky Haughton graduated from Falmouth University with a BA Fine Art (drawing & printmaking) in 2006, where she is now the Lead Technician in Printmaking. She was shortlisted for Northern Print’s International Print Biennale in 2011 and invited to exhibit a solo show at the Customs House, Tyneside as part of the 2014 IPB.

Aster Guinness Exhibition
Dates:16 December 2023 - 17 February 2024.

With roots in West Penwith, Aster Guinness shows a series of harmonic still lives, landscapes, and portraits. The pieces represent her thinking about home, good and evil, softness, and a life mothering solo. The writer Alan Moore once said “Illuminate your little patch of ground, the people that you know, the things you want to commemorate.” Aster paints and draws her friends and family, and the things and animals that have meaning to her. Close-cropped portraits, people in interiors, and landscapes. They are about being a mother of twins, isolation, and the burden of unconscious drives. The glass bottles with flowers she paints like couples in relationships – they face out, sometimes towards each other, and inside they reflect and refract each other’s emotions and thoughts. In painting flowers she’s thinking about physical beauty and perfection, and how it’s tied up with measurement. Aster’s paintings are often muted and abstracted, she uses colours that harmonise and takes a lot of time over composition. All works are for sale. Price list available a few days prior to the show opening. Works will also be available on our online shop.

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