London Stadium (former Olympic Stadium)

Get 2FOR1 on your visit when you travel by train

  • Tours-Guided-Walks.png Tours & Guided Walks
Adult: £22.00
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 2ST
Phone number:
020 8522 6157
Nearest station:
Stratford International

Advanced booking only

A not to be missed chance to go behind the scenes at the unique London. The stadium has been transformed into a superb multi-use venue and is home to West Ham United and UK Athletics as well as playing host of internationally recognised events and concerts.

This tour appeals to everyone, not just football fans.

Tour highlights include:
- Panoramic views into the Stadium
- See inside the players' dressing room
- Visit the major league baseball clubhouses
- Walk down the players' tunnel and visit the managers dug out.

A great day out for all the family.

Visit website

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