Haunted and Hidden Bristol Walking Tour

  • Tours-Guided-Walks.png Tours & Guided Walks
Adult: £7.00
College Green, Bristol. BS1 5TJ
Phone number:
07766 258407
Nearest station:
Bristol Temple Meads

Printed paper Voucher Required

Featured on TV's "Most Haunted" the tour is one of Bristol's most established walks and takes in many haunted buildings around the Old City including a 17th Century pub with a Poltergeist and the UK's most haunted Cinema! The walk also features many Tv and Film locations including "Sherlock", "Being Human", "Poldark", "Only Fools and Horses" and "Medusa Touch". Tours run weekly most Fridays at 8pm and advance bookings are required.

Pre-booking is essential by calling 0776 6258407 or emailing fabulous208@hotmail.com. Quote GWR241for the discount on advanced tickets.

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