Ghosts of Glasgow: Spooky Walk

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Adult: £4.29
Starting point: Glasgow Central Station - Gordon St, Glasgow G1 3SL, Regatul Unit Finish point: George Square - Glasgow G2 1DH, Regatul Unit
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Nearest station:
Glasgow Central

Advance booking only

Unlock spooky stories behind the landmarks as you walk around Glasgow. Crack codes and solve puzzles to discover a hidden past you won’t find in history or guide books.

Play our city exploration game and discover the tale behind the birth of Glasgow’s patron saint, or check out the 18th-century pub haunted by many strange spirits.
Are you ready for an unforgettable journey in Glasgow?


Glasgow is one of the most haunted cities in the world. The ghosts of the past live in the fabric of its buildings. They walk among us in the streets, unseen, unheard.
These restless spirits mean no harm. But there is a night when demons rise, hungry for a soul to be damned in eternity. Tonight is that night (can be played during daytime too, we just wanted to add some dramatic effect). Yours is that soul.

The only way to save your soul is to find the coat that was never worn.

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