Drum Castle Garden and Estate

  • Landmarks-Royal-Palaces.png Landmarks & Historical Sites
  • Historical-Houses-Gardens-Parks.png Historical Houses, Gardens & Parks
Adult: £14.50
Drumoak, Banchory AB31 5EY
Phone number:
01330 700334
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The sweep of 700 years of history is stamped into Drum’s battlements, medieval square tower and sprawling extensions.

The Royal Forest and Tower of Drum were given to the Irvine family by Robert the Bruce in 1323. Later a Jacobean mansion house was added, and in the Victorian era the lower hall was converted to a library, now containing a mighty 4,000 books.

The beautiful Garden of Historic Roses is divided into quadrants that show how roses have been cultivated from the 17th to the 20th century.
The ancient oak forest adjoins the castle, providing a sense of continuity through the centuries and a home for red kites, roe deer, red squirrels and badgers.

*From Aberdeen station please walk to Union Square, buses run from here every 30 minutes during the day to Drum Castle. The bus stops are ½ mile from the castle (approximately a 20-minute walk)*

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