Criccieth Castle

Castell Cricieth

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Adult: £7.50
Criccieth Castle Castle St Criccieth LL52 0DP
Phone number:
03000 252239
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Criccieth is truly a castle to capture the imagination. Crowning its own rocky headland between two beaches it commands astonishing views over the town and across the wide sweep of Cardigan Bay. No wonder Turner felt moved to paint it. By then it was a picturesque ruin – destroyed by one of Wales’s most powerful medieval princes, Owain Glyndŵr.

Yn ddi-os, mae Cricieth yn gastell i hoelio’r dychymyg. Mae’n coroni ei bentir creigiog ei hun rhwng dau draeth, ac yn edrych dros nifer o olygfeydd rhyfeddol ar draws y dref ac ar hyd cwmpas eang Bae Ceredigion.
Does dim rhyfedd bod Turner wedi teimlo ysgogiad i'w baentio. Erbyn hynny roedd y castell yn adfail pictiwrésg – wedi’i ddinistrio gan un o dywysogion mwyaf grymus Cymru’r Canol Oesoedd, Owain Glyndŵr.

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Opening Times


1 April - 31 October
Thursday - Monday
Closed Tuesday & Wednesday

1 November - 31 March
Closed Monday - Thursday
Closed 24 - 26 December and 1 January.

Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.


Please check website for details.