Chepstow Castle

Castell Cas-gwent

  • Landmarks-Royal-Palaces.png Landmarks & Historical Sites
  • Historical-Houses-Gardens-Parks.png Historical Houses, Gardens & Parks
Adult: £9.50
Chepstow Castle, Bridge Street Chepstow NP16 5EY
Phone number:
03000 252239
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Paper Voucher only

Beautifully preserved Chepstow Castle stretches out along a limestone cliff above the River Wye like a history lesson in stone.
There’s no better place in Britain to see how castles gradually evolved to cope with ever more destructive weaponry – and the grandiose ambitions of their owners. For more than six centuries Chepstow was home to some of the wealthiest and most powerful men of the medieval and Tudor ages.

Mae Castell Cas-gwent, a gadwyd mewn cyflwr hardd, yn ymestyn allan ar hyd clogwyn calchfaen uwchben Afon Gwy megis gwers hanes o gerrig.
Nid oes un lle gwell ym Mhrydain i weld sut esblygodd cestyll yn raddol i ymdopi ag arfau mwyfwy dinistriol – ac uchelgeisiau mawreddog eu perchenogion. Am fwy na chwe chanrif, roedd Cas-gwent yn gartref i rai o ddynion cyfoethocaf a mwyaf pwerus y canol oesoedd ac oes y Tuduriaid.

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Closed 24 - 26 December and 1 January.
Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.


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