Caerphilly Castle

Castell Caerffili

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Adult: £10.90
Caerphilly Castle Castle St Caerphilly CF83 1JD
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03000 252239
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Llywelyn ap Gruffudd didn’t build Caerphilly Castle. In fact he twice tried to knock it down before it was finished. But he was certainly its inspiration.

The rise of the powerful Prince of Wales persuaded Marcher lord Gilbert de Clare that he needed a fortress in double-quick time. And it had better be truly formidable.

So from 1268 de Clare constructed the biggest castle in Wales — second only to Windsor in the whole of Britain. Massive walls, towers and gatehouses were combined with sprawling water defences to cover a total of 30 acres. That’s three times the size of Wales’s modern-day stronghold and home of Welsh rugby, the Principality Stadium.

Ni adeiladodd Llywelyn ap Gruffudd Gastell Caerffili. A dweud y gwir, ceisiodd ei ddymchwel ddwywaith cyn iddo gael ei gwblhau. Ond ef, yn sicr, a’i hysbrydolodd.

Yn sgil esgyniad nerthol Dywysog Cymru, argyhoeddwyd Arglwydd y Mers, Gilbert de Clare, fod angen caer arno a honno ar frys. Ac roedd yn well iddi fod yn gwbl aruthrol.

Felly o 1268 adeiladodd de Clare y castell mwyaf yng Nghymru – a hwnnw’n ail yn unig i Windsor ym Mhrydain oll. Cyfunwyd waliau, tyrau a phorthdai enfawr ag amddiffynfeydd dŵr helaeth i orchuddio 30 erw i gyd. Mae hynny deirgwaith cymaint â chadarnle Cymru gyfoes, sef cartref rygbi Cymru, Stadiwm y Principality.

*From Caerphilly station you can take a us - Opposite, Caerphilly/Islwyn No 26, Cardiff-Caerphilly/Tredegar.

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Closed 24 - 26 December and 1 January.

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