Brighton Museum and Art Gallery

  • Galleries-Museums.png Galleries & Museums
Adult: £9.00
Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, East Sussex. BN1 1EE.
Phone number:
03000 290900
Nearest station:
Brighton (East Sussex)

Exclusions apply: After linking through to attraction website please scroll down the page and select 'Southern Rail 2-4-1 ADMISSION' ticket type. 1 ticket is valid for 2 persons.

Advance Booking Required 

Located in the Royal Pavilion Gardens in the heart of the city, Brighton Museum houses one of the most important and eclectic collections outside national institutions. Dynamic and innovative galleries, including fashion and style, 20th century art and design, and fine art, feature exciting interactive displays appealing to all ages. In addition to the permanent galleries, there is a continuing programme of temporary exhibitions.

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