Barry Mill

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Adult: £8.00
Barry Mill Mill Road Barry Village Carnoustie, Angus DD7 7RJ
Phone number:
0131 385 7490
Nearest station:
Barry Links

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Peaceful Barry Mill might be a haven of tranquillity now, but it was once the beating heart of a rural community – supplying food, providing a place for trade and gossip, and witnessing the transition from a rural to an industrial society. The water-powered mill produced oatmeal and other foods, as well as providing work for local people, for almost 800 years – right up until 1982.

Step inside the mill and discover how engineering ingenuity provided a means to save the ‘daily grind’ of producing your own flour and meal. These ideas gave birth to the machinery of the industrial revolution. Learn how trade shifted from a bartering system to monetary exchange. See the different types of food that people have lived on over the centuries, and watch the wheel turn and machinery move every day the mill is open – just as it’s done for generations.

Barry Mill is now one of only a handful of mills powered by water. Rebuilt after a fire around 1814, it is probably the largest and finest example of its type still in operation.

*From the Train Station take a 2 minute walk to Station Road and you can get the number 73 bus to Station Road North, from here its a further 10 minute walk to Barry Mill.*

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