Avon Valley Railway

  • Landmarks-Royal-Palaces.png Landmarks & Historical Sites
Adult: £11.00
Avon Valley Railway, Bitton Station, Bath Road, Bitton, Bristol. BS30 6HD
Phone number:
0117 932 5538
Nearest station:

Exclusions apply: Offer not on dining trains, footplate rides or any of our festive/Santa trains.

Advance booking only 

Enjoy a day out at Bristol & Bath's heritage railway. Take a steam or diesel-hauled train ride on a fifty minute round trip from Bitton Station on weekends plus Wednesdays during school holidays.

Lowest fare travels free. Redeem at the Booking Office.

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Please choose a date Selected offer expires {{expirationDate | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}
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  • {{$index+1}}{{station.properties.name}} {{station.properties.distance | number:1}} miles